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How much does it cost to design an app UK

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

How Much Does It Cost to Design an App in the UK? The Ultimate Guide You've Been Waiting For

So, you're buzzing with this fantastic app idea, and you're wondering: "How much does it cost to design an app in the UK?" We get it! It's like planning a dream holiday—you're excited but also a tad anxious about the expenses. Sit tight, because we're about to break down everything from the big-ticket items to the hidden charges, all to give you a crystal-clear picture of the financial terrain you're stepping into.

Why the UK for App Design?

You may wonder, why the fuss about the UK? Well, it's not just the home of The Beatles, fish and chips, or the Premier League. The UK is a tech powerhouse! Besides being a financial hub, the UK offers a perfect blend of a robust legal system and an enthusiastic investor community. So, your app isn't just getting a birthplace; it's getting a whole ecosystem to grow and thrive.

cost to design an app UK
cost to design an app UK

Types of Apps and Their Impact on Cost

Alright, let's talk shop. The first thing you've got to decide is what kind of app you're planning.

  • Native Apps: These are the Ferraris of the app world. Super smooth but also pricey. Built for a single platform—either Android or iOS.

  • Web Apps: Think of these as your reliable daily drivers. They get you from point A to B without the frills. They're generally cheaper but may not offer the best user experience.

  • Hybrid Apps: The versatile SUVs. They run on multiple platforms and offer a decent user experience without breaking the bank.

Each type has its pros and cons, affecting not only the user experience but also the size of the hole it'll burn in your pocket.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Designing an App in the UK

Complexity of the App

It's not just about building an app; it's about building the right app. Complexity is a massive factor in the cost equation.

  • Simple Apps: Picture a basic utility app like a to-do list. Prices hover between £5,000 to £10,000.

  • Medium Complexity Apps: Imagine something like Airbnb, which is not just a listing but also has reviews, maps, and bookings. Costs can range from £10,000 to £50,000.

  • Highly Complex Apps: Think of a social network with real-time features, multiple user types, AI algorithms, and so on. You're looking at £50,000 to £100,000 or even more.

Complexity Estimated Cost Range Example FeaturesSimple£5,000 - £10,000Basic functionalities Medium Complexity£10,000 - £50,000Reviews, Maps, Payments Highly Complex£50,000 - £100,000+Real-time, AI, Custom UX.

Number of Features

It's like choosing toppings for a subway sandwich; each extra feature will add to your bill.

  • User Profiles

  • Social Logins

  • Payment Gateways

  • Real-time Notifications

  • Custom Animations

  • Chat Functions

  • Multi-language Support

  • Advanced Search

  • Offline Mode

User Experience and Design Elements

When we talk about an app, it's not just code; it's art. You can't overlook the aesthetic and functional design elements. A good design can set you back anywhere from £2,000 to £15,000. And don't forget, this also includes user testing to ensure your app isn't just pretty but also user-friendly.

Backend Infrastructure

Behind every smooth-running app is a robust backend. Server costs, databases, firewalls—you need a rock-solid backend to support your app. The costs can vary based on the technology stack you choose and the scalability you need.

Third-Party Service Integrations

No app is an island. If you're looking to bring in elements like Google Maps, payment processors, or even weather information, prepare to pay for API integrations. Some are one-off payments, while others come with monthly subscriptions.

Hourly Rates: In-House vs Outsourced Teams

Let's talk about the builders—the development team. If you're going all out with an in-house team in the UK, you might face hourly rates ranging from £50-£100. However, if you're okay outsourcing, prices can plummet to £20-£50 an hour.

Additional Costs

Yup, there's more! Just when you thought you'd covered it all.

  • Maintenance: Plan to set aside up to 20% of the initial development cost per year for updates and maintenance.

  • Marketing: Your app won't sell itself. A solid marketing budget is a must-have.

  • App Store fees: Apple and Google like their share of the pie too.

  • A/B Testing and Iteration: As your app grows, you'll need to keep optimizing.


As we zip up this ultimate guide on "How much does it cost to design an app in the UK," remember that cost estimation is more of an art than a science. Your app's price tag will depend on a smorgasbord of factors, from its complexity to the team you hire. Knowledge is power, and now you're empowered to make informed choices. Ready to shake the app world? So, that's the scoop! You're now well-armed with the know-how to navigate the costs of designing an app in the UK. Go forth and create something awesome!


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